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When Does Adalind Tell Nick Shes a Hexenbiest Again

"Bad Night"

520-Bad Night.gif

Flavor Episode

5 20

Episode Number Product Code

108 520

Episode Information
Air engagement: May 13, 2016
Viewers: iii.39 1000000[1]
Written by: Sean Calder
Directed by: Norberto Barba
Opening Quote: Camino Real
Related Articles
Co-stars: Hannah R. Loyd as Diana Schade-Renard
Joseph Kathrein equally Tony Talamonti
Chiliad. Ben Newman as Jeremiah Rogers
Xander Steel as Thug i
Brenda Braxton as Brenda Braxton
Tim Becker as Reporter
Other co-stars
Objects: Grimm Diaries
Treasure of the Knights Templar
Images: Images
Transcript: Transcript
Episode Guide
Previous Episode:
"The Taming of the Wu"
Next Episode:
"Gear up"

"Bad Night"


"Bad Night" is the twentieth episode of Season 5 of Grimm and the one hundred and eighth episode overall. It beginning aired on May 13, 2016 on NBC.


  • i Press Release
  • two Synopsis
  • 3 Guest Stars
  • 4 Wesen
  • 5 Diseases
  • six Videos
    • 6.ane Select Scene
  • vii Production Notes
    • 7.i Continuity
    • seven.2 Trivia
  • 8 References

Press Release [ ]

THE Remainder OF POWER IS AT Pale - SHAUN TOUB, SHARON LEAL, DAMIEN PUCKLER AND JACQUELINE TOBONI Guest STAR - Nick (David Giuntoli) leans on Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) every bit he worries that he may lose everything as he continues to battle Blackness Claw. Renard (Sasha Roiz) ramps up his entrada equally election fourth dimension nears. Elsewhere, Adalind (Claire Java) is faced with a very difficult determination in society to protect her children. Meanwhile, Hank'south (Russell Hornsby) human relationship with Zuri (guest star Sharon Leal) takes an unexpected plough and Wu (Reggie Lee) tries to proceeds control of his new reality. Bitsie Tulloch also stars.

Synopsis [ ]

Nick crumples up the annotation that Adalind left him ("The Taming of the Wu") and angrily slides a chair into a wall earlier calling Hank. He only gets Hank's voicemail, even so, as Hank is busy making out with Zuri. Nick hangs up and leaves the loft.

520-Renard greets Adalind at Black Claw mansion.png

Adalind arrives in a cab at the heavily guarded Blackness Claw mansion where Renard is staying. Adalind walks up to the door and Renard lets her in. He tells her that he could have sent a auto for her, but she tells him, "Well, and then you would have found out where Nick lives. Can't brand it that easy on you." Adalind asks where Diana is, and Renard tells her that since she arrived, Diana will be brought to the mansion. Adalind asks why she isn't there already and Renard tells her, "Because they wanted to make sure you came alone. Let me brand something perfectly clear. Yous and I do not take complete control here. Welcome home." They then talk nigh how Adalind will tell Nick what's going on, and Renard as well tells Adalind that he will treat Kelly every bit if he were his own child.

Nick looks for Renard at his house, but he finds that it is empty.

Wu lies in bed, thinking well-nigh what has happened lately as a consequence of existence scratched by a Lycanthrope. ("Lycanthropia") ("Good to the Os") ("The Taming of the Wu") He gets out of bed and looks in his bathroom mirror. He tries to get himself to morph and yells, "Show me what I am!" He leaves the bathroom and starts throwing and breaking things around his flat. He begins punching a wall, causing his arm to transform, so he runs dorsum to the bath mirror, where he fully morphs into his primal course. He is and so able to gain command of himself. He closes his eyes and breathes steadily before he retracts. He is very relieved once he realizes that he was able to proceed himself under control.

Rosalee gets ready to become to bed equally Monroe works. She turns off the Television and jokingly tells Monroe, "Some of us are set up to go to bed." Monroe answers back, "And some of us are working on a very complicated self-winding Breguet with a gong-spring." Rosalee responds, "Well, I'm going to bed, and unless yous bring together me in the next few minutes... you lot're gonna be the 1 who's self-winding this evening." Monroe says he is done working and starts heading upstairs with Rosalee, but Nick and then knocks on the front door. Nick tells them about Adalind leaving with Kelly and the note that she left. Nick also tells them that Renard was pressuring her and that she was afraid that he was gonna use Diana to get to her. Nick tells them that when he went to Renard's house, he constitute it empty. Rosalee asks when Adalind told him near Renard, and Nick tells her a couple nights ago. Rosalee says, "That's when she came and dropped off Kelly with me. She said information technology was nearly work, but when she came back to pick him up, I could tell she was upset about something." Nick says that Meisner told him that Diana was with Blackness Claw and says that he isn't going to permit Renard get away with this. Monroe and then tries to calm Nick downward before he locks the door.

520-Floating Kelly.png

Bonaparte brings Diana to the mansion. Adalind introduces Diana to Kelly earlier talking with Bonaparte. She brings up how he held Diana hostage and Bonaparte tells her, "We want this to work. This family is important to all of us, and having you all together ensures our place in history." Diana giggles as she levitates Kelly in the air, and Adalind quickly grabs Kelly. Adalind and then tells Diana, "Information technology'south actually not a proficient thought to pick upwardly a baby like that, and I think information technology's bedtime."

Nick, Monroe, and Rosalee talk about how Nick should handle trying to go Kelly back. Monroe says, "Nick, retrieve about it. We're talking about a candidate in the heart of an ballot where the starting time candidate was assassinated. So, he's got, like, maximum protection." Rosalee tells Nick that he needs to tell Meisner what happened because HW probably knows a lot more about what's going on than they exercise. Monroe and then tells Nick that they are going with him if he goes to HW. Nick says, "Blackness Hook still has people watching u.s., right now. After what happened with Wu, they're getting more aggressive. We can't risk them finding out about HW. Tin can yous ii become out of here without being seen?" Monroe says they can get out the dorsum and run across Nick at the street below the woods.

Nick pulls over and walks into the forest equally two Blackness Hook agents pull over behind his car. I of the men follows Nick into the forest, but he is unable to find Nick once in the woods, so he returns to his vehicle where he finds the other amanuensis expressionless. He woges into a Malin Fatal, and Nick walks up to the open car window and quickly shoots the 2d agent, killing him. Nick and so meets up with Monroe and Rosalee.

Nick, Monroe, and Rosalee meet with Trubel at Hadrian's Wall's compound. Trubel tells them that they accept a Portland location on the men who were took Diana from the Nevada safehouse. They get meet with Meisner and Eve, and Meisner shows them a tree of Black Claw's hierarchy, noting that Renard is near the elevation. Eve tells Nick, "Diana was mentally contacting Adalind, and I somehow intercepted information technology. Like a twin telepathy experience." Nick tells them near Adalind leaving and that she is probable with Renard. Trubel says, "We know where he is. Black Claw has him at a heavily guarded firm in the Northeast." Meisner tells Nick that he won't survive if he goes after Renard there. Nick says, "I can't stand by and do zilch. They take my son," and Meisner tells him that he has no option. Nick, Monroe, and Rosalee go out, and Trubel says they have to help Nick. Meisner tells her non by doing something stupid and to proceed an eye on Nick.

Zuri gets upwardly in the center of the night and gets Hank'south telephone from his jacket pocket. She opens the front door and gives Hank's phone to Tony. She tells Tony where the phone was and he tells her to keep the door unlocked. Zuri closes the door and heads back upstairs, and she is startled past Hank equally she enters her bedchamber. He asks if everything is alright considering he thought he heard something. Zuri apologizes for waking him and says that she was but turning upwards the heat. Meanwhile, Tony goes to his car and connects Hank's phone to a laptop to re-create everything from the phone.

Adalind and Renard constrict Diana into bed, and later they get out the room, they suddenly decide to concur hands, before Adalind quickly pulls her hand away. Adalind asks Renard what he's doing and he tells her he didn't do that. She says she didn't either, and they both realize it was Diana wanting them to be together. Renard says he thinks they should try to make this work after having some skilful times in the past, and Adalind asks, "Is that what you lot're looking for? More skillful times?" She walks away and Renard follows her to her room. Renard says, "Well, we're supposed to exist a family unit. How do you suggest we start doing that?" Adalind tells him not in the bedchamber because she isn't the Hexenbiest that she used to exist. Renard says he'll take what he can go, but Adalind telekinetically throws a vase at him, causing information technology to slam into a wall and shatter. She asks if he wants more because that's what he'll go. Renard declines and leaves the room. Adalind telekinetically slams the door and locks it backside him.

Trubel arrives at the loft, and Nick asks her if Meisner told her to follow him. She tells him that Meisner did, only she would have anyhow. Nick tells Trubel about the note that Adalind left and Trubel tells him that she is up for going after Renard whenever. Nick says they tin't every bit long every bit Renard has Kelly. Nick gets a call from Renard, who tells him they need to meet face up to face. Renard suggests they encounter in his office and Nick says he'll be at that place.

520-Tony senses trouble.png

Tony returns to Zuri'due south house and puts Hank's phone back in Hank's coat pocket. As he returns the phone, the wind blows the door shut. Tony pauses for a 2d before quietly walking to the door, but Hank grabs him. Tony screams every bit he pushes Hank into shelves and they commencement fighting. He woges, and Hank punches him in the face and throws him around the room, knocking him out. Tony retracts equally Zuri comes downstairs. Hank asks her if she knows Tony, merely she tells him she has never seen him before. Hank calls in the burglary as Zuri acts shaken upwardly.

Nick meets with Renard in Renard'due south office and Renard tells Nick that he isn't his enemy. Nick says, "Y'all accept Adalind and my son. Doesn't exactly make you lot my friend." Renard compares Nick's situation to when he gave Diana to Kelly a couple years ago. ("The Law of Sacrifice") Nick tells him he was asked, but Renard tells him while that may exist true, he wasn't given much choice. He says, "Nick, sometimes the only way to protect the ones you love is to allow them go," and Nick responds, "And sometimes the just style to protect the ones you lot love is to impale the people who threaten them." Renard asks Nick if he really thought he could settle down and have a normal life with Adalind. Nick changes the subject and tells Renard that he knows he is working with Blackness Claw. Renard tells Nick, "The Kehrseite have had this world for too long, and they've ruined it." He says that Black Claw wants Grimms on their side, not against them. Nick says he wants his son back and Renard tells him that if he joins Black Claw, he tin can accept whatsoever he wants.

Zuri asks Hank why he has to go equally Tony is put into the back of a law car. Hank says he finds it suspicious that Tony broke into her house, just didn't take annihilation. Hank suggests that he was possibly there for him because cops brand enemies. Franco leads Hank to Tony's car downwards the street and they discover paraphernalia and a dead cat, equally well equally the laptop, which Hank says he is taking.

Nick returns home and talks with Trubel nigh Renard trying to recruit him. Nick and then tells Trubel that at that place is something he needs to show her from when he and Monroe went to Germany with the keys. ("Into the Schwarzwald") Nick grabs a lantern and a purse, and heads into the tunnels.

Franco informs Hank near Tony'southward identity and his criminal record. Hank says he hasn't had luck with the computer because it has a password, and so he is going to accept Tech work on it.

5x20-Trubel holds the stick.jpg

Nick brings the box with the stick up from the tunnels and tells Trubel that it is what he and Monroe found in Germany. ("Into the Schwarzwald") Trubel isn't impressed one time she sees the stick, merely Nick tells her she thinks information technology saved Monroe's life. Nick says they don't know for sure that the stick is what healed Monroe, but he tells Trubel that one of the words on the cloth translates to "miracle." Both of them agree that it looks like the stick broke off of something and Nick tells Trubel that other words on the cloth interpret to "dangerous," "threatening," "hazardous," or "perilous." Nick wraps the stick support as they discuss where the stick may have originally come up from. Nick takes Trubel to the tunnels and shows her where he keeps the box and stick. Nick tells her "You're a Grimm. If anything happens to me, you and only yous know where this is."

Trubel returns to HW'southward compound as Meisner and Eve watch the news regarding the latest on the mayoral race. Trubel tells them about Nick'southward meeting with Renard and that Renard tried to convince Nick to bring together Blackness Claw. Trubel heads to her room and Eve follows her. Eve sees that Trubel is angry and tells Trubel not to brand mistakes because of her anger. She asks Trubel if Nick blames Adalind and Trubel says he thinks Adalind had no selection. Eve asks what Trubel thinks and Trubel counters, asking what Eve thinks. Eve tells her "I think you have more acrimony than y'all know what to practise with" and starts walking away, but Trubel tells her she didn't answer the question. Eve says "I think there is a choice fifty-fifty when there appears to be none, just it's the reaction that determines whether the choice is proficient or bad, not the person who makes information technology."

Nick arrives at the precinct and Hank tells him about what happened at Zuri's house. Hank tells Nick that Tony Talamonti was ID'd as the ane who broke in and that the simply fashion it appears he could take gotten in was through the front door. Hank says he thinks Tony was there for him and he thinks Tony is with Black Claw. Nick tells him it sounds similar they both had a rough night and tells him about Adalind leaving with Kelly. Nick likewise tells Hank about his meeting with Renard in the centre of the dark. Nick and Hank go to interrogate Tony to see how he is connected to Blackness Claw. Hank notes to Nick that if Tony is with Black Hook, then he probably knows that Nick is a Grimm. Nick says, "If he woges, he'southward non Blackness Hook. If he doesn't, he knows I'k a Grimm, and he'due south trying to fake us out." They become into the interrogation room and Nick asks Tony about his hand. Tony facetiously asks if Nick is worried about him, and Nick says, "We're trying to piece of work with you, Tony. Requite you a take chances to drib a few charges." Tony refuses to give answers to their questions, playing dumb. Nick slams Tony's head into the table and pins him confronting a wall. He lets go of Tony after waiting for him to woge. Nick and Hank leave the room and Nick says he didn't woge, merely he definitely knows who they both are. Nick and Hank make up one's mind to try to place what Tony is in one of the books considering Hank saw him woge. Wu arrives and Nick asks him how he is feeling. Wu says he's feeling pretty adept and Hank asks if he still had dreams. Wu tells him, "Some, but I think I'm getting a handle on it. 1 thing I know, I need to stay busy. Being alone in my apartment may not exist all that salubrious." Hank hands Wu the laptop from Tony's automobile and tells Wu he'd love to know what's on it because information technology is countersign protected.

Nick, Hank, Monroe, and Rosalee work on identifying what type of Wesen Tony is. Hank tries to describe what Tony looked like and Nick finds a Kackenkopf entry, which Hank confirms is what Tony looked similar. When Rosalee hears Hank say Tony'southward name, she asks, "Tony? His name'due south Tony, the guy you lot arrested, and he'southward a Kackenkopf?" Nick tells her he had a false ID, simply his total name is Anthony Talamonti. Monroe asks Rosalee if it's the Seattle Tony and Nick asks if Rosalee knows him. Monroe says, "Yeah, she does. Information technology's the aforementioned guy that was here in the spice store when we were in Deutschland. When Adalind got her Hexenbiest back." Nick says they think he is working with Blackness Claw and Monroe says, "I wanna encounter this guy. Five minutes, human. Just give me 5 minutes with this guy." Wu calls Nick to tell him what he found on the laptop. Wu asks Hank if he has his telephone, and once he confirms he does, Wu tells him so did Tony. Wu tells Hank that everything on his telephone is on the laptop. The call ends and Nick wonders if Zuri left the door unlocked for Tony. Hank remembers Zuri coming back into the room in the centre of the night, and he says she could have. Hank says some things aren't calculation up. Nick says that if Zuri is Black Claw, then she won't acknowledge it, and Hank says not unless they brand her.

Renard, Diana, Bonaparte, Rachel, and Jeremiah Rogers watch the news coverage of the mayoral ballot. Diana asks Renard what he's going to win and Renard tells her he'll become mayor if he gets enough votes. Adalind walks into the room and asks how much longer until they know the results, and Jeremiah says they should know within the hour. Rachel tells Adalind she looks cute and Adalind replies, "Well, we all do what we can for the cause." Bonaparte asks Adalind if he can go her a cup of coffee, which she says yes to, so they both step aside. Bonaparte then tells her, "I want you to know that we all worked very difficult to bring Diana back to you." Bonaparte also says he knows that Nick is the father of Kelly. Adalind says, "He was good to me, and he didn't have to exist. Don't ask me to betray him." Bonaparte responds, "He will attempt to end us if he can. Any happens to him, you cannot take it personally. Now, where is he?" Adalind says she won't tell him and Bonaparte tells her they volition find out. Adalind says, "But I won't take helped," and walks away.

520-Heartbroken Hank.png

Nick goes to Zuri'south house and tells her Hank is getting a prophylactic house set up for her. Zuri asks if she is in danger, and Nick asks if she has heard of Black Claw. She says she hasn't, and Nick tells her it'due south a dangerous organization and the man who broke into her house last night is a fellow member. Nick tells Zuri to pack a week'south worth of things and that Hank will exist by soon to pick her up. Nick informs her that he'll be exterior in his car until Hank arrives. Zuri says she didn't do anything and Nick tells her that knowing Hank is enough. Nick leaves, and Zuri locks the door before calling Bonaparte. Zuri tells him about Nick being there and that they know Tony was there for Hank. Bonaparte asks if they suspect her equally Hank stands behind Zuri. Zuri tells Bonaparte that they are taking her to a safe house and asks what he wants her to practise. Bonaparte tells her to cooperate as that's enough for her, and he hangs upwardly. Hank then says, "And then, I gauge nosotros didn't encounter past accident. I really felt something for you, Zuri." Zuri turns around in shock and tells Hank that Blackness Claw forced her to help by threatening her brother. She of a sudden woges and tries to grab Hank past surprise and attack him, but he pushes her away, and when she tries to confront him again, he hits her beyond her face and knocks her out.

At HW's chemical compound, Eve, Trubel, and Meisner expect for Zuri to regain consciousness. When Zuri wakes up, she refuses to cooperate and states, "Occultatum Libera." Meisner tells Eve, "Okay. I'thousand going to get a cup of java. She'due south all yours." He leaves and Eve tells Zuri, "And so you don't wanna talk. Then I guess y'all won't exist needing your oral cavity." She puts her hand over Zuri's oral fissure and removes it. Trubel tells Zuri that things don't get much meliorate from hither.

520-Renard celebrates his victory.png

Renard is alleged the mayor, so he goes onto a phase and begins his victory oral communication. Rachel notices Diana staring at her and Renard invites Adalind to the phase. Bonaparte tells her to get upwards at that place. Adalind carries Kelly as she and Diana walk onto the stage. Nick angrily watches the spoken communication on TV with Hank and Meisner. Bonaparte gets a telephone call about Zuri and asks the caller if they know where Zuri was taken. After getting a confirmation, Bonaparte says, "As long equally we know where she is, we know where they are. Wait for my telephone call." At HW's compound, Nick clenches his fist, staring at Renard, and says, "You lot're expressionless."

Guest Stars [ ]

Wesen [ ]

  • Blutbad
  • Fuchsbau
  • Half-Zauberbiest
  • Hexenbiest
  • Kackenkopf
  • Löwen
  • Malin Fatal
  • Yaguaraté
  • Spinnetod (seen in Grimm Diaries)

Diseases [ ]

  • Lycanthropia

Videos [ ]

Select Scene [ ]


Production Notes [ ]

  • Footage from "Into the Schwarzwald", "Lycanthropia", "Pare Deep", and "The Taming of the Wu" was reused (flashbacks).

Continuity [ ]

  • The episode picks up correct afterwards "The Taming of the Wu" ended.
  • Wu is able to be self-aware and gain command over his primal state during its physical manifestation for the first time.
  • Diana meets Kelly for the first time.
  • It is revealed that Tony Talamonti is a member of Black Claw.
  • Nick tells Trubel about the Treasure of the Knights Templar for the showtime fourth dimension and shows her where he has it subconscious, making her the but other person to know where it is.
  • Renard is elected mayor of Portland.

Trivia [ ]

  • This is the 7th time that an episode of Grimm has aired on Fri the 13th.
  • Trubel references Pandora's Box, which in Greek mythology, was a jar believed to have contained all the evils of the world. Once opened, those evils are released into the earth. The idiom "to open Pandora's box" means to perform an action that may seem minor or innocent, only ends up turning out to accept severely detrimental and far-reaching consequences.
  • Eve'south line, "'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,'" is a reference to "The Route Not Taken," a verse form past Robert Frost.
  • The contacts listed on Hank'south phone are really several members of the crew for Grimm.
  • Dave Shecter, who portrays Guard 1, also had a previous role portraying Jeanine Phillips' begetter in "Bad Luck", merely due to mail-production edits, he did not actually appear in the episode, aside from a promotional photograph.

References [ ]

  1. Friday last ratings: 'The Astonishing Race' finale and 'Grimm' adjust upward, '20/20′ adjusts down
Episodes of Grimm

Season 1

"Pilot" • "Bears Volition Be Bears" • "Beeware" • "Lonelyhearts" • "Danse Macabre" • "The Iii Bad Wolves" • "Permit Your Hair Down" • "Game Ogre" • "Of Mouse and Human being" • "Organ Grinder" • "Tarantella" • "Last Grimm Standing" • "Iii Coins in a Fuchsbau" • "Plumed Serpent" • "Island of Dreams" • "The Thing with Feathers" • "Love Ill" • "Cat and Mouse" • "Get out Information technology to Beavers" • "Happily Always Aftermath" • "Big Feet" • "Adult female in Blackness"

Season 2

"Bad Teeth" • "The Kiss" • "Bad Moon Ascent" • "Quill" • "The Good Shepherd" • "Over My Dead Torso" • "The Bottle Imp" • "The Other Side" • "La Llorona" • "The Hr of Death" • "To Protect and Serve Human" • "Season of the Hexenbiest" • "Face Off" • "Natural Built-in Wesen" • "Mr. Sandman" • "Nameless" • "One Angry Fuchsbau" • "Volcanalis" • "Endangered" • "Buss of the Muse" • "The Waking Dead" • "Goodnight, Sweetness Grimm"

Season 3

"The Ungrateful Dead" • "PTZD" • "A Dish All-time Served Cold" • "One Night Stand up" • "El Cucuy" • "Stories We Tell Our Immature" • "Cold Blooded" • "Twelve Days of Krampus" • "Blood-red Menace" • "Eyes of the Beholder" • "The Good Soldier" • "The Wild Chase" • "Revelation" • "Mommy Beloved" • "Once We Were Gods" • "The Show Must Go On" • "Synchronicity" • "The Police force of Sacrifice" • "Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen" • "My Fair Wesen" • "The Inheritance" • "Blond Ambition"

Season iv

"Thanks for the Memories" • "Octopus Head" • "The Last Fight" • "Dyin' on a Prayer" • "Cry Luison" • "Highway of Tears" • "The Grimm Who Stole Christmas" • "Chupacabra" • "Wesenrein" • "Tribunal" • "Expiry Practise U.s. Part" • "Maréchaussée" • "Trial by Burn down" • "Bad Luck" • "Double Appointment" • "Heartbreaker" • "Hibernaculum" • "Mishipeshu" • "Iron Hans" • "Y'all Don't Know Jack" • "Headache" • "Cry Havoc"

Flavour 5

"The Grimm Identity" • "Clear and Wesen Danger" • "Lost Boys" • "Maiden Quest" • "The Rat King" • "Wesen Nacht" • "Eve of Destruction" • "A Reptile Dysfunction" • "Star-Crossed" • "Map of the Seven Knights" • "Central Move" • "Into the Schwarzwald" • "Silence of the Slams" • "Lycanthropia" • "Peel Deep" • "The Laic" • "Inugami" • "Good to the Bone" • "The Taming of the Wu" • "Bad Dark" • "Set Up" • "The Beginning of the End"

Season half-dozen

"Fugitive" • "Trust Me Knot" • "Oh Captain, My Captain" • "El Cuegle" • "The Vii Twelvemonth Crawling" • "Breakfast in Bed" • "Blind Beloved" • "The Son Also Rises" • "Tree People" • "Claret Magic" • "Where the Wild Things Were" • "Zerstörer Shrugged" • "The Finish"


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